About Augustine's...

photo by Mike Radulescu

Since the new Canterbury Christ Church University’s library doors were first opened, people are talking so much about it like it is some sort of Mecca for students. Besides meeting the basic requirements of a decent library, Augustine’s house represents way more than this: a place to study, to sleep, to take a shower (yes, they provided a shower!), to have a cup of coffee, to enjoy a good read, to watch a movie, to add new friends on Facebook, to work on a group project. Also, a major meeting point if you don’t know your way through Canterbury too much.

Augustine’s House was also featured in Unified (CCSU’s newspaper). Two articles talked about the “endless negativities surrounding our new library”, since there have been mixed opinions on the 35 million library.

Since it caused so much stirring, I was curious to find out how students would describe the library in just one word, so I went out and asked as many persons as I could. I did not expect to find so many similar words since the majority of answers were based on two things: the distance issue that many have, (“far”, “distance”, “away”), and the size of the building itself (“big”, “spacey”, “massive”). Of course, I also got the usual mock replies as “sex” or “horse”. But for the rest, these were some of the words that I got:



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